Customer Testimonials

Any company can write a testimonial on their website. We leave it to the word of our customers. ProSun strives to provide legendary customer service and quality equipment solutions.
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Anytime Fitness Clermont Testimonial

Anytime Fitness franchise owner discusses his positive long term relationship with ProSun and how the AquaFrixio brings an added benefit to the members of his facility.

BeautyFluff Customer Testimonial

After using the AquaFrixio for more than 3 years BeautyFluff raves about how it has improved user experience and allowed them to stand out over the local competition. The manager discusses how offering a massage while giving patients a facial allows for a competitive edge and an overall happier customer.

MassageLuxe Customer Testimonial

MassageLuxe owners discuss how much their customers love the AquaFrixio and the results it provides them. They also discuss how their member based business has grown thanks to the water massage bed from ProSun.

Revenue Calculator

Having wellness solutions at your business help set you apart from the competition and allows you to attract new customers and members.  Our specialist can help design the perfect wellness solution for your business, featuring the right equipment for your companies demographics.

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Recommended Wellness Equipment Solutions

With over 35 years of experience. ProSun has the market knowledge to help you select equipment for your specific demographic to bring you continued success. We are commited to providing the highest level of customer service possible. We want to help answer any questions you may have regarding your tanning and wellness equipment. If you dont see what you’re looking for in the options below please contact us. If you are looking for parts please visit our tanning and wellness parts page here.